‘They Leave Behind Ugly Scars’ and Other Untrue Breast Implant Myths

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May 27th, 2021
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Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Our plastic surgeons are also part-time myth busters, because there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there about breast augmentation.

Believe it or not, not everyone that is looking for breast implants in Toronto is 100% sold on getting the procedure when we first meet them. They may have heard a myth that is causing some hesitation. Our early meetings often see us having to dispel some myths about boob job scars, or the amount of downtime involved, or any number of other common misconceptions out there.

The most dangerous part about any myth is how easily it can be misconstrued as a fact in the age of social media. It’s easy for misinformation to be shared, and then re-shared. Pretty soon, it has enough traction to be seen as a fact by some people. For example, it’s been estimated that only 18% of the information about plastic surgery on Instagram comes from board-certified surgeons.

The tragic part of any plastic surgery myth is that it could prevent someone from seriously considering a procedure that could help them feel a lot better about themselves.

To help prevent this from happening, this blog is going to dispel some of the most common myths that we frequently hear about breast augmentation.

Myth # 1: Breast Augmentation Scars are Obvious and Ugly

You may have heard some horror stories about breast implant scars. There are a lot of factors that dictate the size and appearance of a would-be patient’s scar, but an enormous part of it comes down to your surgeon’s level of skill and experience.

We’re not simply boasting when we say that our clinic has two world-class surgeons that are widely known and renowned for their level of skill and artistry. They know that a subtle breast implant scar is a top priority for nearly every patient, and they have the skills and technology to ensure that happens.

Dr. Tom Bell has over 25 years of practice experience and was named one of the world’s best plastic surgeons by W Magazine.

The Implant Type and Location are Factors

The type of implant you get will dictate the size and location of your breast augmentation scar. For example, if you were to choose saline breast implants, your surgeon would most likely fill your implants with saline solution after strategic insertion through the armpit, or through the areola with an inframammary incision. Filling the implant after insertion keeps scarring to a minimum.

Or, if you chose silicone implants (also known as gummy bear implants) your surgeon would insert the implants with an under-the-breast incisional approach through a trans-axillary incision. The goal here is to give you the most natural-looking results with the smallest possible breast implant scars.

The Type of Procedure is a Factor

The problem with making sweeping statements about boob job scars is that there is far more than one type of boob job. We need to be clear about what we’re talking about. Different types of breast surgeries will lead to different types of breast surgery scars.

Are we referring to:

  •   Breast implant scars?
  •   Breast reduction scars?
  •   Breast lift scars?

At the same time, certain procedures can be combined. Someone that wants to get a breast lift in Toronto can also opt to add implants as well. This will impact the size and location of the scars.

It’s not a good idea to make generalizations and say things like breast reduction scars are bigger than breast implant scars, or anything like that. You really need to have a candid conversation with your surgeon about what your specific surgery will entail, and look at their breast augmentation before and after pictures to make sure they can back up their claims.

Breast Scar Healing and Treatments

We also provide all of our clients with breast scar healing treatments at no extra charge. This is just one of the many ways we make sure you’re totally happy with your results.

There are other things you can do to minimize the appearance of any scar. This may include:

  •   Taking vitamin E supplements
  •   Applying topical vitamin E to the scar
  •   Using a topical cortisone cream
  •   Quit smoking
  •   Use sunscreen and avoid the sun while you’re healing
  •   Stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet

You need to make sure your scar has healed before applying anything, and always discuss your options with your surgeon. Breast scar healing is a delicate process and you need to make sure that you take it seriously.

Delve into the fake boobs vs real boobs debate with our informative guide.

Myth #2: The Downtime is Difficult

Far too many people are scared of (what they believe) the post breast augmentation experience will be like. Once again, this is almost never based on facts. The breast implant/ augmentation recovery process is easily manageable, particularly with a skilled and thorough surgeon guiding you along the way.

As a matter of fact, the recovery process has never been easier than it is right now. People are working from home during the pandemic lockdown, which is giving them the opportunity to recover discreetly while working from home, without the need to use any vacation days.

The phenomenon is not just limited to breast augmentation, as people are also getting thousands of facial procedures. People are being forced onto daily Zoom calls and starting to notice the signs of aging in their own faces. This has been called The Zoom Effect, and it’s happening all around the world. In fact, The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) recently published that 70% of their surveyed surgeons reported an increase in business during the pandemic lockdown, and 83% attributed this to The Zoom Effect.

The Recovery Process

We generally say that the recovery process can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks. But very little of that could really be classified as downtime.

The First 48 Hours

Following your surgery, you will recover at home and take it easy for the first day or so. You will also be given a tight-fitting compression garment to wear that will help the healing process and ensure you get the look you want.

Day 3

At this point, the early discomfort should have subsided. But you will still want to take it reasonably easy and continue to wear the compression garment.

Week 1

You will continue to wear the garment, but you will see a significant reduction in bruising and swelling as your body heals and your implants settle into their desired position.

Week 2

You can stop wearing your compression garment around this time, and resume many types of light exercise and stretching.

Week 3

After speaking with your surgeon, it’s likely that you can resume light cardio exercises at about 60% of your former intensity.

Week 6

If cleared by your surgeon, you can resume more strenuous activities and exercises.

Myth #3: Breast Implants Look Fake

It’s very possible that you may have seen an actress, musician, or influencer shoot for the moon, in terms of size, when they got their breast implants. They may have warped your perception of the entire procedure and what the results should look like.

For some people, a natural look and contour isn’t the goal when getting breast implants, and their end results reflect that. However, most people want to augment and enhance their existing silhouette for a striking, yet natural, look. They do not want fake-looking boobs.

Communication and expectation management are key. You and your surgeon need to be on the same page and work together to come up with a plan to give you the look you want.

This will include conversations about your:

Size: You obviously won’t want to overshoot the size or choose something that looks unnatural for your frame. This is what Victoria Beckham did when she got her breast implants in the mid-2000s, and she has since expressed regret. But to be fair, the bigger is better look was all the rage back then and plastic surgery techniques weren’t as advanced as they are today.

Shape: This is another area where Beckham went wrong. Her breasts were unnaturally round. But once again, she owns her mistake. Today she jokes about her implants and calls them torpedo bazookas.

Today’s gummy bear implants give you a natural-looking teardrop shape that mimics the body’s natural curves.

Placement: Your breast implants’ positioning is crucial and something that not enough people talk about.

It’s all about how naturally they sit and how your cleavage looks. If your breasts are too far apart, you’re making the same mistake that Tori Spelling made. On the other hand, if your breasts are unnaturally close, they look squeezed together and it creates the so-called uni-boob that Pamela Anderson and Heidi Montag have sported over the years. They are certainly sex symbols, but they are not exactly associated with a natural look.

Experts have said that women looking for breast implants will want a silhouette like Scarlett Johansson. She is curvy, full-figured, and a classic natural beauty. Has she had a boob job? Nobody is really sure. And that is the mark of a natural look.

Myth #4: Breast Implants Move Unnaturally

Those of us young enough to remember the 90s TV show Baywatch remember Pamela Anderson jogging on the beach, and that image may have warped a lot of people’s idea of how breast implants move.

Once again, techniques and technology have come a long way since the 90s. Today’s gummy bear implants are almost miraculous in how they can mimic the way natural breasts move. They will also adapt to how your body is positioned and the teardrop shape will move to match the look of natural breasts when you’re standing, sitting, lying down, or walking.

Myth #5: Breast Implants are Expensive

This myth may keep people from getting the dream body they’ve always wanted. They simply assume that they can’t afford breast augmentation, so they never really look into it.

This is patently untrue. Our breast implant procedures start at about $7,999. Or, our breast lift procedures start at $9,999.

We also offer procedure financing options to make things even more affordable.

Myth #6: Only Women Get Breast Augmentation

This one is also not true, strictly speaking. Yes, women get breast implants, but men often get gynecomastia (male breast reduction).

It’s not something that men love to talk about, but they sometimes develop unwanted fat and sagging issues in their breasts as they gain weight and grow older. But you don’t have to simply accept it. You can get a male breast reduction surgery to restore a more trim, athletic, and youthful look.

Gynecomastia is more popular than most people think. It was actually the 4th most popular plastic surgery among men in 2019, and even beat out hair implants.

Ask Us ANYTHING About Breast Implants

This blog covered a lot of the most common myths about breast augmentation today, but believe us when we say there are more. If you’re unsure about some information that you’ve read or heard, don’t be shy. Ask us about it! We actually really enjoy setting the record straight whenever possible.

We’re proud to offer our customers two of Canada’s most respected and sought-after plastic surgeons. Dr. Tom Bell has 25+ years of experience in the industry and have built his world-class reputation on building relationships and exceeding expectations.

Your journey can start right now! Click the Schedule a Consultation button at the top of the screen to book a 1-on-1 appointment with one of our experts. Or, you can call us at 647-723-3739.

Posted by:

Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Dr. Thomas Bell has been one of Canada’s most renowned cosmetic surgeons for 25 years. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care.

More on Dr. Bell

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