​Suture Suspension Thread Lift in Toronto

  • dollar icon Price Starts at $8,999
  • clock icon Procedure Time 2 hours
  • recovery icon Recovery Time 1-2 weeks

Thread Lift in Toronto

TPS offers the Thread Lift procedure for patients inside our state-of-the-art surgical suites. This minimally invasive facelift is a popular option for those who want to look and feel younger.

What Is an Injection Thread Lift Suspension?

An injection Thread Lift in Toronto is a minimally invasive, Health Canada-approved facelift created, developed, and pioneered by Dr. Mulholland, TPS’s former Lead Surgeon. After 25 years as Canada’s most recognized Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Mulholland retired from active Plastic Surgery Practice, and the esteemed Dr. Thomas Bell took his place.

Dr. Bell injects the suspension threads into the facial areas that need lifting. He then pulls on the barbed sutures to lift the skin and secure the suture, tightening the skin. This procedure lifts the loose skin instead of removing it, reducing the recovery time and giving you natural-looking results.

How Long Does an Injection Thread Lift Take?

It takes 1-2 hours to perform this procedure and provide optimal results.

How Much Does an Injection Thread Lift Cost in Toronto?

The cost of a Thread Lift in Ontario starts at $8,999. If you would like to combine your thread lift with another treatment, pricing options can be discussed during your consultation. For example, if you would like to combine a thread lift with a face lift, neck lift, and upper blepharoplasty for fully rejuvenated results, the combination of these procedures starts at around $37,999.

Who Is a Candidate for this Treatment?

If you have visible signs of aging, you might be a good candidate for a Thread Lift. Ideal candidates:

  • Have signs of aging due to sagging skin and do not want a big surgery.
  • Cannot get a facelift due to medical complications.
  • Have reasonable expectations.
  • Have low self-esteem due to signs of aging and facial concerns, such as marionette lines, laugh lines, and decreased collagen production.

If you are not a good candidate, you might benefit from the results of one of the non-surgical options.

4 Benefits of an Injection Thread Lift

Immediate Lift Results

Patients enjoy immediate lift effects with an Injection Thread Lift suspension. After the procedure, they will immediately notice a difference in the jowls, neck, brow, and cheeks – especially regarding concerns of marionette lines and laugh lines.

Fast Recovery

Because the procedure is minimally invasive, recovery is much shorter than that of a facelift. Most patients can return to work within a week.

Can Be Repeated

This procedure can be repeated every 1-5 years without the look of multiple cosmetic procedures. Once the results wear off, people can undergo this treatment once again.

Promotes Collagen Production

The skin naturally loses collagen as it ages, making people look older. The body has a healing response to the sutures. Part of that response includes sending collagen to the treatment area, which immediately makes the skin look younger.

Injection Thread Lift Risks & Side Effects

While this treatment is Health Canada-approved, Thread Lifts have a small chance of potential complications. Selecting a highly experienced, trusted surgeon is paramount to minimize the likelihood of complications. Dr. Bell has years of experience performing non-surgical Thread Lifts in Toronto and has not experienced most of the complications associated with the procedure, and those that do occur are usually easily corrected.


While rare, some patients experienced irritation at the surgical site. To reduce this risk, patients should not rub the area immediately following the procedure. Even though the injection sutures for the Thread Lift disappear, the lifting fixation knots may irritate the patient under the skin. If enough weeks have passed, this suture can be removed.


Infection is also rare. If an infection occurs, patients should contact TPS. Preventative antibiotics are also given.

Sutures Can Become Visible

Although this complication is rare, the sutures can become visible. If this occurs, the surgeon will remove the sutures.

Healing Precautions

Patients must take some precautions when healing. This includes not rubbing the face vigorously and sleeping with the head up slightly for the first week.

Why Choose TPS for a Thread Lift?

As a pioneer of the injection Thread Lift procedure, thread lift surgeon Dr. Bell provides the results patients seek. He is a perfectionist and strives to ensure that each patient is pleased with the outcome of their procedure. He can also combine other age-defying procedures during your non-surgical Thread Lift.

Dr. Bell has dedicated his 25 years of practice to cosmetic plastic surgery of the face and body and is a world-renowned thread lift doctor; he prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care. He is known for his masterful skill and personalized, respectful approach to patients during thread lift treatments.

Different Types of Thread Lifts

TPS offers two types of Thread Lift procedures. You can get a standard procedure or a Composite Thread Lift.

Standard Thread Lift

The surgeon places sutures in the supportive tissue for the standard injection Thread Lift. The sutures lift sagging skin.

Composite Thread Lift

This procedure is more extended. Dr. Bell puts sutures in the deep and supportive layers of the skin. Patients can choose to go under IV sedation for this procedure. Due to the bruising, most patients must heal for a week before going out in public.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

Bulk heating radiofrequency lifting techniques like Forma, Morpheus8, Facetite, Ulthera or Thermage may also provide some non-surgical lifting effects similar to a non-surgical thread lift treatment.

How to Prepare for an Injection Thread Lift

Dr. Bell provides his Toronto patients with specific information about preparing for their treatment during the consultation. Along with those specific instructions, patients should:

  • Avoid smoking for 2 weeks prior to the surgery and 2 weeks after.
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and no Aspirin.
  • Take a week off of work.

What to Expect After an Injection Thread Lift

Patients are amazed by how good they look and feel early on with their face lift results. There is minimal bruising, and patients notice the results immediately. For a general outline on the healing process, we have created a thread lift recovery timeline:
Suture Suspension Thread Lift Recovery Timeline

Day 1: Patients can go home on the day of the procedure.

Day 2: Swelling should subside, but you can use a cold compress to treat any redness, swelling, or irritation.

Day 7: You can now try sleeping on your side, but it is recommended to continue sleeping on your back with your head elevated until you are fully healed.

Week 1-2: Patients follow special care instructions for the first week, which include not rubbing the face vigorously and not rolling on the face when sleeping. Patients can return to work and normal activity.

Week 3: You can now return to your regular exercise and skincare regimens, as you will be fully healed.

Best Procedures Paired with an Injection Thread Lift

Dermal fillers, Botox injectable, energy-based devices like FaceTite, AccuTite, and Morpheus8 are best paired with an injection Thread Lift.


How Painful Is It to Get a Thread Lift?

While minor discomfort is normal following a Thread Lift, this procedure is not painful.

How Long Does a Thread Lift Last? Is It Permanent?

The results of a Thread Lift can commonly last 3-5 years or longer. These are long-lasting results for a minimally invasive procedure and make this a very popular non-excisional lift procedure.

How Does Dr. Tom Bell Perform an Injection Thread Lift?

Surgical-grade, dissolvable sutures are then injected down a cannula into the lax soft tissue. The thread is used to lift the skin. The cosmetic surgeon might also use other non-surgical anti-aging techniques, such as FotoFacial or Pulse Light Photo Rejuvenation, Morpheus or FaceTite.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Thread Lift?

It takes 1-2 weeks to recover from a Thread Lift.

What is a PDO Thread Lift?

A PDO thread lift is a procedure that uses dissolvable sutures to rejuvenate and lift the skin. It is a faster and generally less expensive alternative to a facelift, but the results are temporary and more natural-looking. PDO stands for polydioxanone, which is the injected solution.

How to Reduce Swelling After a Thread Lift?

We recommend applying a cool compress every 30 minutes for the first day after your treatment. However, if your newly injected skin is fragile, using ice can cause injury. Try not to apply the compress for too long.

Do Thread Lifts Work?

Yes, suture suspension thread lifts can be a great option if you are looking for a minimally invasive procedure that rejuvenates and lifts the face for a refreshed appearance.

How Should I Sleep After a Thread Lift?

It is best to sleep on your back with your head propped up on a pillow to minimize any swelling that may occur after your treatment. You should sleep like this for the first week post-op and avoid sleeping on your side as much as possible.

A Match Made in Heaven

Best Procedure that go with Thread Lift


10,000 Patients Who’ve Trusted Us Since 2001

"Thank you Dr. Bell. I LOVE my results!"

Z. Mina

"I wouldn't trust anyone else with my face."

S. Jlkc

"I ONLY trust him."

K. Wang

"Dr. Bell is very professional and an AMAZING doctor!"

J. Sellathu

"He has made me feel more CONFIDENT!"

L. Serhant

Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Physician and internationally recognized cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and lecturer.

1 (647) 723-3739 66 Avenue Road, Suite 4 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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