Breast Lift in Toronto (Mastopexy)

  • dollar icon Price Starts at $11,999
  • clock icon Procedure Time 3 hours
  • recovery icon Recovery Time 1-3 weeks

Breast Lift in Toronto, Ontario

Breasts are not immune from signs of aging. As you get older, you might find that your once-firm breasts have started to sag, with nipples pointing downward and stretched areolas. Your breasts may also appear to be uneven. If these common signs of aging affect your self-image, then a breast lift procedure might be right for you!

At Toronto Plastic Surgeons, we’re at the leading edge of cosmetic surgery, with our surgeon, Dr. Thomas Bell, one of the most trusted names in breast surgery in the country. He has the skill and expertise to revitalize the appearance of your bust, giving you the self-confidence you might need as you age.

What is a Breast Lift?

What is a Breast Lift? Also known as Mastopexy, this surgical procedure aims to correct sagging or drooping breasts by addressing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue. The goal is to restore the youthful contour and firmness of the breast mound, enhancing both the breast size and shape.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Are you bothered by sagging, uneven breasts? Do you have nipples that point downwards or areolae that have stretched in size? If yes, then a traditional breast lift could be the procedure for you.

It’s important to understand that pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the size of your breasts can affect your results. Dr. Peter Bray of the Toronto Plastic Surgeons can help determine whether you’re the right candidate for the procedure.

If you decide you’re not an ideal candidate, many non-surgical options can give you the desired results.

Your Breast Lift Consultation with Dr. Bell

When deciding what kind of breast lift surgery is right for you, Toronto Plastic Surgeons will provide you with a detailed consultation with Dr. Bell, who will explain your options step-by-step in specific detail. He’ll also examine your breasts and advise you on the available treatments. The breast lift cost will also be detailed, as will the way you’ll have to prepare for the procedure and any aftercare that might be needed.

What is The Cost of a Breast Lift?

The cost of a breast lift at Toronto Plastic Surgeons ranges from $13,999 to about $19,999, depending on the specific procedure and the desired outcome.

All factors which contribute to pricing will be thoroughly discussed well in advance during your initial consultation. If you opt to have breast implants added, the cost of the surgery will be higher.

Preparing for a Breast Lift

In your initial consultation with Dr. Bell, your breast lift surgeon, you’ll want to discuss the following:

  • Your Expectations: How do you want to look after the surgery? Multiple breast lift surgery techniques are available, so choosing the right one is essential.
  • Your lifestyle: Do you smoke? If you do, you should stop for a few weeks before and after surgery. You’ll also need to advise the doctor of any medications you might be on. Maintaining a healthy weight before surgery improves your chances of retaining breast lift results over an extended period.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home and help you with day-to-day tasks, including household duties, throughout your recovery.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?

Breast lift surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation, depending on Dr. Bell’s recommendations. While the number of incisions will depend on the type of breast lift performed, breast tissue is reshaped, excess skin is removed, and nipples are repositioned to produce the most aesthetically pleasing breasts possible.

The mastopexy procedure is done under IV sedation or local anesthetic. Local anesthesia and some oral relaxation pills are very common sedation methods when undergoing breast lift procedures.

There will be a fully certified anesthesiologist monitoring your IV sedation. Your post-operative care will be in certified recovery rooms with a well-trained recovery room nurse to ensure optimal care and safety. Following your breast lift and augmentation procedure, a series of laser treatments will be conducted to minimize the risk of visible scarring.

Shock wave treatments on the breast implant soft tissue can also ensure that you have the most significant probability of avoiding any capsular formation, and for established capsules, which will help soften the stiffness that can sometimes occur following breast augmentation and breast lift surgery. The short scar breast lift is often more aesthetically pleasing and does not include the horizontal scar under the breast.

Often the procedures can be performed under local anesthesia alone, or together with light IV sedation. Occasionally, excision of soft tissue is combined with breast augmentation at the single stage. In contrast, in many circumstances, two-stage breast rejuvenation, breast lifting surgery, and removal of the skin, followed up by breast augmentation some months later, is recommended. A large breast implant can eliminate the need for external breast lift scars in the properly selected patient.

How Long Does it Take to Perform a Breast Lift?

The average breast lift surgery takes three hours to perform. Time in the recovery room is dependent on the extent of work done and the type of breast lift administered.

Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

Day 1: Return home wearing a support bra and light dressing on the incision. You will need several days of rest before returning to your daily activities.
Week 1: Expect some light discomfort around your incision sites. Use medication per your surgeon’s instructions. Avoid bending, lifting, or any strain.
Week 1-2: You may resume light activities but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous workouts.
Weeks 2-3: The sutures are removed, and you can stop wearing your support bra. Ask your doctor when it’s suitable to resume more vigorous activities.
Week 6: Normally, patients can resume high-impact activities.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Breast Lift?

While it takes approximately 1-3 weeks to recover from a breast lift procedure, the recovery time varies from patient to patient and also depends on the type of breast lift that was performed. Typically after 7-10 days, non-strenuous activities may be resumed.

Breast Lift Benefits

Youthful, Perky Breasts

Drooping breasts can make even young women appear older. A breast lift procedure can help you achieve a youthful and rejuvenated look.

Reduce Under-Breast Irritation

Large breasts often sag, which leads to sweating, pain, and irritation underneath the breast. A breast lift will take the weight off this skin, leaving it less prone to chafing.

More Clothing Options

Firm, lifted breasts will change your silhouette. After breast lift surgery, many feel empowered to wear more shape-fitting clothing and styles.

Boost Your Body Image

A healthy, confident self is attainable with a breast lift!

Breast Lift Risks & Complications:

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. The best thing patients can do to minimize the likelihood of complications is to select a trusted plastic surgeon first. The team at Toronto Plastic Surgeons has years of experience performing this procedure. Significant complications are uncommon and are expertly managed in the rare event they occur.

  • Infection: Although infections are very rare concerning this procedure, Dr. Bell and his experienced team still take every precaution to ensure that the surgery is a smooth, seamless experience.
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation: Sensation will likely return, though occasionally, the loss may be permanent.
  • Breast contour and shape irregularities: Following your procedure, do not rush into getting back to your daily routine. Your body and tissues will need time to heal.
  • Bleeding or hematoma formation: It is possible for a small collection of blood, or a hematoma, to develop under the skin as a result of this surgery. The Toronto Plastic Surgeons will take every precaution possible to prevent this from happening.

Different Types of Breast Lift

There are four different types of breast lifts offered by Dr. Bell.

Crescent Lift (Least Invasive)

This method raises the nipple position by removing a crescent-shaped section of the skin above it.

Donut Lift

This procedure involves a singular incision around the areola, requiring fewer incisions than during a traditional breast lift.

Lollipop Lift

The lollipop lift involves a vertical incision from the breast crease over the nipple. This procedure is usually used for those who have sagging breasts and downward-pointing nipples.

Anchor Lift (Most Invasive)

An anchor lift requires an incision similar to the lollipop lift along the breast crease. This is often chosen for patients who suffer from extreme sagging.

Breast Lift Alternatives

Evolve TITE non-surgical, Forma RF skin tightening, BreastTite, and fat grafting to the breasts.

Why The Toronto Plastic Surgeons?

Before joining The Toronto Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Bell was head of the University of Toronto’s Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Training program for over 15 years. Dr. Bell is also the Former President of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He has performed over 5000 breast augments, liposuctions, tummy tucks, and body contouring procedures.

Breast Lift FAQ

Is Getting a Breast Lift Painful?

After your procedure, your breasts will likely be swollen and bruised for approximately two weeks. Pain around the incision, which will be red or pink for a few months, will also be a factor in your post-op care.

Any discomfort can be easily controlled with pain or NSAID medication. We also suggest sleeping on your back or side to avoid putting any excessive pressure on your breasts.

How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?

Maintaining long-term results of a breast lift can depend on a few factors. Those with smaller breasts will likely have better outcomes as their breasts are lighter and less susceptible to aging and skin elasticity issues. Keeping a healthy weight and avoiding any significant changes in your size will also help to sustain your breast lift results.

Will a Breast Lift Cause Problems with Breastfeeding?

While a breast lift is not ideal for those planning to breastfeed, it is possible to breastfeed following mastopexy. Over 80% of breast lift patients can successfully breastfeed after the surgery. Some breast lift patients report having trouble producing enough milk for breastfeeding; it purely depends on the individual.

What Is a Lollipop Lift?

The lollipop breast lift is a surgical technique which can provide just the right amount of shaping using minimal incision lines to lessen the visibility of scarring. The lollipop lift is best suited to women with moderate sagging of breast tissue and medium skin excess. The incision is made in a lollipop shape: a ring around the areola and a straight incision from the bottom of the areola to the centre of the breast crease. This incision type enables greater flexibility in the adjustment of breast tissue. Any lines that do remain after recovery can easily be hidden with swimwear or underwear.

What Are the Benefits of Combining a Traditional Breast Lift With Breast Reduction?

If you want perkier, smaller breasts, you might want to consider combining a traditional breast lift and breast reduction. While the recovery time will be a bit longer, these surgeries are frequently paired and combining them rather than undergoing a separate surgical procedure is more cost-efficient.

At What Age Should I Get a Breast Lift?

Health is a more important consideration for breast lift candidacy than age is. However, it’s still natural to wonder how age should play into your decision. If you are between 18 and 25, your breasts have finished developing, and you are not happy with the lift of your breasts, you may be a candidate.

Women aged 26-35 may be candidates for breast lift if they experience sagging related to pregnancy or breastfeeding. The 46-50 age range may be ideally suited to the breast lift, and those over 50 may still be strong candidates depending on their health. To determine if it is the right time for you to opt for a breast lift, schedule a consultation.

Is a Breast Lift Cheaper Than an Augmentation?

While the pricing comparison between a breast augmentation and a breast lift depends on a variety of factors, breast lifts can cost more as they are often more lengthy and complex procedures involving the surgical removal of loose skin, the tightening of weakened muscles, and the repositioning of the areolas.

Do Breasts Sag After a Breast Lift?

After a breast lift procedure, the breasts will sag again eventually after a period of years, but likely not to the same degree. The longevity of a breast lift will depend heavily on the patient’s skin tone and elasticity, the weight of their breasts, and their lifestyle. Women with sun-damaged skin will be more likely to experience breast sagging sooner, as will women who smoke, lose significant weight, or become pregnant. Women with larger breasts also tend to have a higher risk of recurrent breast sagging compared with patients who have smaller breasts.

Can I Go Without a Bra After a Breast Lift?

Going without a bra after a breast lift is not recommended in the months following breast lift surgery. It’s important to wear a supportive recovery bra for at least six weeks post-op as this ensures optimal results, but if you have a special occasion coming up and wish to wear a backless or plunging dress, going without a bra or switching to a different type of bra for a few hours should not cause damage.

However, it is always best to check with your doctor first. Avoid underwire bras for at least a year, as they can set back healing, cause indentations, and simply feel uncomfortable.

Will a Breast Lift Reduce My Cup Size?

Research has found that after a breast lift, many women report they are wearing a smaller bra, with an average decrease of one bra cup size.

But since a breast lift procedure does not reduce the breast, other than removing excess skin, it’s natural to wonder why. In reality, this difference reflects the altered profile of the breast rather than an actual reduction in breast size. This has led researchers to conclude that many patients likely wear the right bra size for the first time in their lives after a breast lift, as women with sagging breasts can have more difficulty finding the correct size and fit.

What Will My Scars Look Like After Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift scars should be minimal after your surgery. While some scarring is possible, our skilled surgeons know how to make incisions in places where the scars will be well-hidden and less visible, such as along the edge of the areola, where the skin pigment gets dark, or underneath your breast crease. With proper aftercare in a way that encourages healing, your scars should be barely noticeable.

What Are the Main Dos and Don’ts After Breast Lift Surgery?

After breast lift surgery, it’s essential to follow all of your doctor’s instructions for a safe and speedy recovery. When it comes to having sex post-op, your breasts will be sensitive to touch for up to 3 weeks, so there’s no harm in light touching, but don’t try anything that will impact your upper body until after six weeks.

As for traveling post-op, it’s best to wait two weeks to fly short distances and six weeks to fly long-haul. Do wait at least 6-8 weeks post-surgery before sunning your breasts, and after that, always protect them with sunscreen (SPF 30+). Additionally, avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours post-op to help your body heal more quickly.

When Can I Lift My Arms After a Breast Lift?

After your breast lift surgery, follow all instructions provided by your doctor very carefully. Your surgeon will let you know when you can return to your regular routine. During your recovery, it’s important not to raise your arms above breast level for ten days and avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least a week. This means that sponge baths will be necessary for the first couple of days after your surgery, and washing your hair will be challenging. Ask for help if you need it–having a friend or partner present doesn’t hurt to make things easier.

Can I Wear Deodorant After a Breast Augmentation?

Suppose your surgeon performed your breast lift via incisions in the armpit (the most common technique, known as a transaxillary augmentation). In that case, you should avoid wearing deodorant for at least two weeks. Recommendations vary widely from 1-4 weeks, as it all depends on your case, the pace of your healing, and your doctor’s advice. To ensure the best possible results, wait for an okay from your surgeon before you begin wearing deodorant again.

Match Made in Heaven

Best Procedures That Go With Breast Lifts


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Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Physician and internationally recognized cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and lecturer.

1 (647) 723-3739 66 Avenue Road, Suite 4 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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