Neck Lift in Toronto (Chin Lift)

  • dollar icon Price Starts at $20,999
  • clock icon Procedure Time 3 hours
  • recovery icon Recovery Time 10-14 days

What is The Cost of a Neck Lift?

During your consultation, we will discuss the treatment options available to meet your goals and provide you with a quote. Neck lift cost in Toronto Plastic Surgeon starts from $20,999.

Recovery Period Following a Neck Lift

Typically, you’ll return to work after 10-14 days. Patients usually stay overnight at our facility and return home the following day. We provide a chin and neck wrap to help support healing, and initial discomfort is managed with oral medication. Swelling and bruising disappear after 2 weeks, and your final results are noticeable in 1-3 months.

How Long Does it Take to Perform a Neck Lift?

Although dependent on your specific needs and whether or not you have chosen to undergo other procedures as well, a neck lift typically takes 3 hours to complete.

What is a Neck Lift?

Performed under local or general anesthesia, a neck lift begins with a small incision under the chin. Fat and loose skin is then removed, and the muscles of the chin and neck are tightened.

Excess neck skin may be caused by weight changes, UV exposure, hereditary factors or just aging. People typically opt to undergo a neck lift because they have ‘turkey neck’ and/or a ‘double chin.’

Am I a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

If you have localized deposits of fat under your chin, on the front of your neck, muscle laxity under your chin or sagging skin combined with folds on the front of your neck, you are a good candidate for a neck lift. The best candidates are also fit and in good health.

Neck Lift Benefits

We can help you attain a smoother, tighter, slimmer and more youthful neck and chin region. A neck lift can provide the following benefits: 

Lifts loose or sagging skin

A neck tightening surgery is designed to reduce the appearance of excess skin, while minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Tightens lax neck muscles

Neck lift surgery tightens your underlying muscles, diminishing the appearance of undesirable “neck bands.” 

Removes excess fat

In addition to addressing excess skin, neck tightening surgery can remove excess neck fat and double chin fat.

Defines the chin and jawline

A neck lift from The Toronto Plastic Surgeons can provide more attractive, youthful, and streamlined contours to your chin and jawline region.

Neck Lift Risks & Complications

The best thing patients can do to minimize the likelihood of complications is to select a trusted surgeon. The Toronto Plastic Surgeons have been performing neck lift procedures for years. Significant complications are uncommon and, in the rare event they occur, are expertly managed.

  • Swelling and bruising: You will have swelling and bruising after a neck lift which can affect the neck, jaw, and ear region. This is perfectly normal in the first couple of weeks.
  • Bleeding under the skin (hematoma): A collection of blood under the skin causing swelling and pressure may occur within 24 hours. If this occurs, we will promptly treat it to prevent damage to skin and tissue.
  • Scarring: Most individuals find that neck lift scars are barely noticeable. For some, however, it can take up to a year or more for scars to fully heal. Laser skin resurfacing may help improve scars further.
  • Infection: As with any surgery, infection is possible, and antibiotics are often administered preventatively. At the first sign of a fever or unusual discharge, always contact us.

Why the Toronto Plastic Surgeons?

The Toronto Plastic Surgeons team can expertly manage your neck lift surgery. From pre-consultation to post-op care, we have you covered with our state-of-the-art facility.

Members of our team helped engineer and pioneer several of the neck lift procedures currently popular in facial rejuvenation surgery, such as using radiofrequency energy to melt fat under the chin, or laser energy supported sutures and threads to support neckbands.

As a surgeon who has mastered the fuller range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, Toronto’s Dr. Thomas Bell chooses to emphasize his work in facial aesthetic surgery. He is one of Canada’s most reputable and experienced plastic surgeons and has performed over 5000 cosmetic facial procedures in his 25+ years of practice.

Neck Lift for Men in Toronto

A strong neckline defines a youthful, masculine look. With its ability to reduce excess neck skin and tighten underlying tissues, the neck lift is ideal for men seeking a relatively simple procedure that will dramatically alter their facial appearance. Dr. Thomas Bell brings decades of experience and numerous accolades from around the world to perform excellent, rejuvenating neck lifts.

Often, the effects of aging begin to show first in the neck with a noticeable loss of definition, including saggy skin, jowls, fine lines, and a double chin. A neck lift is designed to recontour the jawline, tighten the neck muscles, and remove unwanted fat. After the operation, patients will notice a slimmer contour that makes the neck and jawline look 10-15 years younger. The procedure starts as low as $20,999.

As for the recovery, any initial soreness and discomfort around the neck area will subside after a single week. In addition, most patients can return to work only two weeks after undergoing their procedure.

For men, a neck lift is particularly desirable as it offers a quick fix without the scope and lengthy process of a more extensive full facelift operation. The scars are completely hidden, always important for men as their hair is usually short and over the ears. The scars are placed inside and behind the ears, with no extension into visible regions. As a result, the procedure can be performed on men who are completely bald.

If you’re interested in restoring your neck to its youthful tautness, book a consultation with the Toronto Plastic Surgeons today!

Quick Links: Cost | Recovery | Benefits | Risks

Jawline Lift for Men in Toronto

As men age, their faces lose volume, elasticity, and jawline definition. To counter the sagging facial skin and loss of a square jaw, many men opt to undergo a jawline lift. The procedure, which starts at $14,999, is designed to boost confidence by removing jowls and adding definition to the chin and jowl areas.

Performed under local or general anesthesia, the surgery involves making a small incision under the chin and behind the ears, and then removing the fat and loose skin. After the surgery, patients can expect a jawline that is smoother, tighter and far more youthful. The best part? There will be no visible scarring, and patients can generally return to work after 10-14 business days.

A jawline lift is particularly popular among men, as a defined jaw and contoured neck area convey freshness, vitality, and youthfulness. A jawline lift represents a “quick fix” to a sagging jawline, without the scope and invasiveness of a more extensive facelift.

The Toronto Plastic Surgeons utilize a minimally invasive approach to reduce the risk of complications from a male jawline lift. Book a consultation today and find out why the Toronto Plastic Surgeons is the place to go to achieve a contoured, youthful jawline!

Quick Links: Cost | Recovery | Benefits | Risks

Different Types of Neck Lift

A patient that only has excess fat can be treated with neck liposuction. But if you also have excess skin which is sagging or stretched, a neck lift is required.

There are many different types of neck lifts. The main types include:


In this procedure, excess skin and fat are both surgically removed while the muscles underneath the chin will be left intact.


This procedure reduces the appearance of ‘neck bands’ by removing, tightening and/or realigning the muscles of the neck.

The Extended Neck Lift

This procedure addresses the same issues as a neck lift but also helps to get rid of jowls (droopy lower cheek area).

The Mini Neck Lift

A mini neck lift in Toronto consists of just one incision behind the chin. During a mini neck lift, skin is not usually removed. This procedure is well-suited to those with excess fat or banding only.

Neck Lift Alternatives

Fractional RF, Forma bulk radiofrequency heating (Forma), AccuTite, Morpheus, fractional RF, and Suture Suspension Thread lifting are all suitable alternatives to neck lifts. Many of these can duplicate the long-term effects of neck lifts in those patients who have mild to moderate aging in the neck area.

How is a Neck Lift Performed?

A neck lift is performed under local or general anesthesia and requires an incision under the chin. Fat and loose skin are removed and muscles are tightened.

Your incisions can be hidden under your chin, and inside and behind the ears. The procedure may also involve tightening and suturing together the two neck muscles under the chin called the platysmal bands.

Preparing for a Neck Lift

  • Smokers will be strongly encouraged to quit at least 2 weeks prior to surgery and not resume until a month post-surgery.
  • We will also recommend pausing the intake of certain medications and supplements that can thin the blood.

What to Expect Post Neck Lift Surgery

After your neck lift surgery, we will recommend our medical grade Home Skin Care to help support and enhance your results. Long term maintenance of your results can be achieved with postoperative FotoFacial ST and Ematrix treatments. We offer a complimentary FotoFacial program as part of your treatment package.

Once at home, be sure to rest and relax as much as possible. You may do non-strenuous activities such as watching television, reading and making meals. It is best to sleep in a reclining chair, or with multiple pillows elevating your head to decrease swelling.

You will have scheduled follow-ups with our team at 6 weeks, 6 months, and one year after surgery to ensure an optimal outcome.

Neck Lift Recovery

The specifics of your neck lift recovery will depend on what kind of neck lift you’ve undergone. However, generally here’s what to expect:

Days 1-2:  You may elect to go home the same day, but we can also arrange an overnight stay at our centre. We bandage your neck to minimize swelling and bruising and insert a thin tube that helps drain excess fluid. The dressing and tube are typically removed the following day.

Weeks 1-2: Stitches are removed after 1 week. Once your swelling and bruising resolve (within a few weeks), you’ll begin to see your more contoured neckline. Most patients return to work and light activities after 10-14 days.

Weeks 4-6: Avoid strenuous activity until 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Months 1-3: Final results are noticeable.

Neck Lift FAQ

Is Getting a Neck Lift Painful?

The surgery is performed under sedation and local or general anesthesia. You may experience minor discomfort and swelling for up to two weeks post-op, and pain medication will be prescribed.

What Is the Best Age to Get a Neck Lift?

Neck lift patients can be fairly young. A typical neck lift patient is between 40 and 60, but simple neck liposuction is commonly performed on patients as young as their 20s and 30s. Common candidates include older patients with signs of neck ageing, patients of any age with neck fat and excess skin, or patients of any age with neck skin sagging as the result of weight loss.

How Long Will a Neck Lift Last?

Your neck lift results can last for years if you lead a healthy lifestyle and don’t smoke. Typically after 7-10 years, your results may gradually diminish as the result of natural ageing.

What Is the Difference Between a Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposuction is a better solution for patients who wish to remove excess fat around the neck and chin and do not have excess skin, whereas a neck lift/chin lift is a better-suited to patients most concerned about sagging neck skin.

Is a Neck Lift the Same as Double Chin Surgery?

There’s no one specific double chin lift surgery, but instead a combination of approaches. If you have a double chin, we may recommend neck liposuction, neck lift surgery, or a combination of both.

What Does a Neck Lift Do?

Often performed as part of a face lift, a neck lift is a common procedure that removes excess skin and fat around the jawline to create a neck area that appears more youthful and defined. Generally performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, a neck lift is accomplished by making a small incision behind each ear, and sometimes a third small incision underneath the chin–depending on the specific needs of the patient. Although results can last for many years, neck lift surgery can’t stop the aging process. What it can do is vastly reduce the signs of aging in the lower face.

How Long After a Neck Lift Do You Have to Wear a Chin Strap?

After your surgery, your doctor will fit you with a chin strap and a piece of cotton as a buffer, and show you how to properly wear and care for it. It’s important to wear the chin strap constantly for the first two weeks of your recovery unless you are eating, bathing, or cleaning your incisions, which you will be instructed on how to do properly. The chin strap is designed to counteract gravity during this key phase of healing and help improve swelling. By week 3 or 4 of your recovery, you will only need to wear your chin strap while at home and when you sleep. 

What Is a Mini Neck Lift?

The mini neck lift is a less invasive version of the traditional neck lift procedure and is well-suited to younger patients with less extensive drooping and banding in the neck area. Incisions for the mini neck lift are shorter and result in less prolonged recovery times, less bruising and less swelling. During surgery, the patient’s vertical neck bands are removed and the skin of the neck is tightened to create more flattering contours of the jaw and neck. Ideal candidates understand that the mini neck lift is long-lasting, but cannot produce the same dramatic results as a full neck lift. 

What Is a Deep Neck Lift?

Perfect for people with looseness in only the neck area, who already have strong cheek and jawline contours, a deep neck lift is well-suited to those with good skin elasticity. Patients coping with loose, hanging, or crepey skin may require a more traditional lift. The deep neck lift is sometimes called “incisionless” because the incisions around each ear (characteristic of the traditional neck lift), are not performed in deep neck lift surgery. Instead, there is just one incision which is hidden in the crease below the chin. Through this incision, the deep muscle and tissue of the neck is reworked to create a more defined contour.

How Long Will My Neck Feel Tight After a Neck Lift?

During neck lift surgery, your doctor will tighten your neck muscles and underlying tissues to restore a smoother, firmer appearance to your neck. It’s normal for your neck to feel tight for several weeks post-op, and bruising and swelling are normal as well. These effects will gradually fade, and your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions for a speedy recovery. After week 1 your visible bruising will be gone, but a feeling of tightness in the neck may last several months. Most patients are able to return to work and their usual daily routines within 2 weeks of the procedure. 

How Long Will It Take to Look Normal After a Face Lift?

Often performed at the same time as a neck lift, a face lift removes excess facial skin in order to reshape the lower half of the face, and tightens any loose, hanging skin around the jawline or jowls, on the neck, and under the chin. It can also eliminate deep creases around the mouth and nose. Post-surgery, bruising and swelling should reach their peak after 2 days, and recovery otherwise takes about 2 weeks, at which point many patients feel comfortable being seen in public again (possibly with a little concealer for any lingering bruising). Many patients begin to see the final results of their surgery as early as a month after surgery.

How Can I Speed Up Healing After a Face Lift?

After your face lift surgery, your doctor will provide you with detailed instructions on how to clean and care for your incisions, and how to heal as swiftly and effectively as possible. These tips will include sleeping with your head elevated, taking daily multivitamins, staying well-hydrated, and eating a protein-rich diet. It’s very important during this time to keep your incisions clean and dry, use the ointment provided, and avoid direct sunlight. There are many factors that can affect your personal recovery time, such as the type of face lift you had, and how well you follow recovery instructions, but we will be there to ensure you achieve the best results possible.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in 2023?

Fees for neck lift surgery will be based on the surgeon’s experience, their accreditations, the type of technique used, as well as the geographic location of the office. The total cost of a neck lift cost at Toronto Plastic Surgeons starts from $20,999. During your consultation, we will discuss the treatment options available to meet your goals and provide you with a quote based on your needs.

Where Are the Incisions Made for a Neck Lift?

The incision for a traditional neck lift begins in the hairline, at the temples, travels down around the front of the ears and ends in the lower scalp, behind the ears. Additionally, depending on your unique goals and needs, an incision may be made in the hidden crease below your chin to improve the appearance of your neck. A neck lift is often performed in tandem with a face-lift to reduce fat deposits and loose, drooping skin on the neck. 

What Is a Short Scar Neck Lift?

Usually performed on patients looking to revitalize the lower face and jowls specifically, the short scar neck lift or S-lift can smooth out loose skin in the neck area as well. Many women like to wear their hair back in a ponytail, and want the ability to do so without the fear of their scars being visible, which is why the procedure is sometimes referred to as the ponytail face lift. The incisions used in this procedure are only half the length of what would normally be seen in front of the ear in a traditional procedure, and they do not distort the hairline. Many patients undergoing an S-lift do not require the incisions behind the ears at all. 

What Is a Massai Neck Lift?

Traditional neck lifts leave incisions in front of or behind the ear, sometimes causing the tissue to pull horizontally, which can create a distorted, unnatural look, or even reveal the scars. Additionally, traditional neck lifts do not generally address the laxity at the base of the neck as they only reach down as far as the Adam’s apple in order to tighten the jawline. The limited incision “Massai” Neck Lift was designed to provide the same caliber of results as a traditional procedure but without distortion and scarring. Rather than place the incisions around the ears, a fine, secondary incision is concealed underneath the chin.

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Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Physician and internationally recognized cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and lecturer.

1 (647) 723-3739 66 Avenue Road, Suite 4 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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