Everything You Need to Know About Combining Liposuction & Breast Implants

posted on:
April 21st, 2022
posted by:
Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Liposuction and breast augmentation are two of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgeries in the world. Both of them, in fact, are among the top five procedures performed annually!

Patients seek out procedures such as lipo and breast augmentation for many reasons, whether it be to age, weight fluctuations, lifelong insecurities, and more.

Liposuction is a procedure designed to help remove stubborn fat cells from the body, slimming a person’s figure and improving their overall body contour. Meanwhile, breast augmentation is designed to help improve the appearance of a woman’s breasts, whether it be the shape, volume, symmetry, or combination of all three. It’s easy to see why people go for these procedures; the liposuction and breast augmentation before and after photos speak for themselves! But can you do liposuction and breast augmentation together?

Combining Liposuction and Breast Augmentation

Yes! It is okay to undergo liposuction and breast augmentation at the same time; in fact, it’s very common to do so, provided you are an ideal candidate for both of the procedures.

The ideal candidate for both lipo and breast augmentation would be somebody with realistic expectations about their procedural goals, healthy body weight with no underlying conditions, and preferably a non-smoker. If you are a man seeking out liposuction and you want to know more about the procedure and the cost of male liposuction, check out this page.

Why Do People Combine Lipo and Breast Augmentation?

There are a few main reasons why a patient might undergo liposuction and breast augmentation at the same time. First of all, there is a very popular procedure known as fat transfer. A fat transfer is an alternative to a traditional breast augmentation, which typically utilizes implants to increase volume in the breasts.

When comparing breast implants vs fat transfer, implants are made from materials like silicone or saline. Saline implants are made from a sterile saltwater solution, while silicone is a more dense material, similar to the consistency of a gummy bear. A fat transfer breast augmentation, meanwhile, utilizes your body’s own natural fat to help to increase the volume of the breasts.

Liposuction removes fat from unwanted areas of the body, which is then transferred to the breasts. Many women enjoy this method of breast augmentation since it does not require the use of implants and has the added benefit of contouring the parts of the body when removing the fat. Fat transfers are also mostly permanent. Where breast implants should be replaced every 10-12 years to avoid degrading in quality, a fat transfer will last as long as a person remains in relatively the same shape as they were in at the time of their procedure.

But you don’t need to choose one procedure over the other; a patient can actually combine breast implants with a fat transfer, where the fat is placed over the top of the implant to create a barrier between them and the skin. This allows for a more natural look and feels for the implants, especially for saline implants, which on their own can occasionally ripple beneath the skin due to the watery saline filling.

Fat grafting can also be used elsewhere on the body, such as on the buttocks or cheeks of the face, to provide more volume to both of these areas, which are prone to losing their volume as we age.

Not all people who get liposuction with their breast augmentation use it for fat grafting. Some patients merely wish to have an improved overall body contour to go alongside their new breasts! Though slightly more intensive for recovery, combining procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation means you can target multiple areas of the body at once, saving you time and money from needing to undergo either procedure at a later date. As both procedures have a somewhat similar recovery time, a patient can have a transformative experience, giving them that perfect “beach-ready” body in time for summer.

Areas to Get Liposuction With a Breast Augmentation

Liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere on the body where unwanted stubborn fat can form. This can include the following:

  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Chin & jawline
  • Thighs
  • Stomach
  • Ankles
  • Upper arms
  • Love handles

Of course, in cases where the fat will be needed to be repurposed for a fat transfer, it is unlikely areas where minimal fat is stored, like the jawline, will be used. For the purpose of fat transfer, areas like the thighs, hips, and stomach are ideal. If adequate amounts of fat are not in any one area, samples may be taken from multiple donor locations on the body.

What Questions Should You Ask a Plastic Surgeon About Breast Augmentation and Lipo?

What are the liposuction and breast augmentation costs?

The cost of liposuction in Toronto usually starts at around $7000, depending on the area and amount of fat removed from the body. Breast augmentation typically begins at around $9999 but can range between size, shape, and material used during the procedure. For example, silicone implants cost more than saline implants. The liposuction and breast augmentation cost for combining the two procedures for fat grafting also typically starts at around $9999.

What Is the Recovery After Breast Augmentation and Liposuction Like?

The recovery time for breast augmentation is roughly 2-3 weeks, while liposuction is typically 5-10 days. Their similar recovery timeline makes them ideal procedures to undergo together. It should be noted that though this timeline is for a general “return to normal daily life” recovery, patients can expect a bit of swelling, tenderness, and bruising for several more weeks following their procedures. As for the end results, glancing at some of our breast augmentation and lipo before and after photos may help give you an idea of how transformative these procedures can be.

What Else Do People Get With Breast Augmentation?

Liposuction isn’t the only types of surgeries people pair with breast augmentation.

Breast lifts are another popular procedure that is often combined with augmentation, as it helps to raise and firm up the skin and muscles around the breasts, giving them a perkier and more toned positioning. A breast lift is ideal for those with sagging or slightly “deflated” looking breasts.

Breast augmentation can also be part of a “mommy makeover,” a collection of procedures meant to turn back the clock on the body to a time before the signs of pregnancy and childbirth took place. Some of the procedures utilized in a mommy makeover are:

  • Liposuction
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Tummy tuck
  • Fat grafting
  • Stretch mark removal

Is there more than one type of liposuction?

Yes! There are multiple types of liposuction, each performed with a different technique.

BodyTite is one such method that utilizes temperature-controlled radiofrequency energies to heat unwanted fat, melting it to a liquified state for easier removal from the body. As the fat is easier to remove in its liquid state, the recovery is less intense than traditional lipo.

VASER is another method of liposuction, using ultrasonic technology using sound to break up stubborn fat and allow it for easier removal.

SmartLipo is a form of liposuction that utilizes laser technology to melt the fat within the body, similar to BodyTite. By beaming the laser energy directly into the affected area, stubborn fat liquifies for easier removal.

Any of the above methods are ideal for repurposing the fat for a fat grafting procedure, provided that is what the patient wishes to do!

Contact Us Today!

If you’re considering liposuction, breast augmentation, fat transfers, or a combination of breast augmentation and lipo, our plastic surgery clinic in Toronto will be happy to help! Our team of dedicated specialists will help guide you through any questions or concerns you may have and help book you for an initial consolation with one of our highly experienced Toronto breast augmentation surgeons.

You can contact us by booking a consultation online or by calling 647-723-3739 and speaking with one of our clinical staff as we help guide you to newfound confidence in your body.

Posted by:

Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Dr. Thomas Bell has been one of Canada’s most renowned cosmetic surgeons for 25 years. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care.

More on Dr. Bell

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