Aftercare to Reduce Blepharoplasty Scars

posted on:
May 15th, 2023
posted by:
Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

How is a Blepharoplasty Procedure Performed?

During your blepharoplasty, Dr. Bell will make incisions in the creases of your eyelids to trim any sagging skin and excess fat away from the area that is causing an aged, tired look or reducing your ability to see fully. Your skin is then stitched back together with small, dissolvable sutures.

Whether you are getting an upper or lower blepharoplasty, both procedures are performed as outpatient treatments under general anesthesia. You can go home directly after your blepharoplasty, but you should have someone who can drive you as you should not be behind the wheel after receiving anesthesia.

Will I Have Noticeable Scars After Eyelid Surgery?

Eyes are one of the first areas of the face to age due to the thin skin surrounding them. Puffy lower eyelids with fine lines and sagging upper eyelids can give you an older, hooded appearance and block your vision. A blepharoplasty can improve your vision and make your eyes look youthful and animated again, but the surgery does come with some small incision scars.

Fortunately, Dr. Bell values making surgical scars as hidden as possible so you can enjoy the full aesthetic results of your procedure. The incisions will be made in the folds and creases of your eyelids so they are only noticeable when you look down. If you follow Dr. Bell’s aftercare instructions and allow yourself to fully heal, your scars will be barely noticeable and people will be more focused on your beautiful results.

What do Blepharoplasty Scars Look Like?

Once your incisions are closed, the scars in the creases of your eyelids will fade from red to pink, ultimately ending up as white or a faded version of your skin tone. The majority of the time, your scars will be invisible and completely hidden. Some aftercare steps you can take to reduce permanent scarring after your blepharoplasty include:

  • Following Dr. Bell’s incision care instructions.
  • Avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen.
  • Not smoking.
  • Using creams and ointments recommended by Dr. Bell that are made for scar reduction.

Aftercare Tips to Reduce Scars After Eyelid Surgery

The first step to reducing scarring from eyelid surgery actually begins during the surgery, wherein Dr. Bell will make small incisions in areas where they can be easily hidden – in a way that will help them fade quickly. This gives the scars room to heal while being predominantly undetectable.

When you’re at home and healing, you should also remember that due to the delicate nature of the skin surrounding your eyelids, that skin tends to heal faster than other areas of the body – so your scars, if visible when you close your eyes, will only be visible for a short amount of time.

You can continue to speed up the healing process and further minimize your risk of scarring by:

  • Quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol.
  • Drinking lots of water.
  • Eating a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein.
  • Staying out of the sun.
  • Applying prescribed ointments.
  • Not rubbing the treatment area.
  • Avoiding excessive sweating and strenuous activity.

Be Careful in the Sun

Don’t expose your blepharoplasty scars to direct sunlight and always use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to protect your face and eyelid area. The UV rays of the sun can pause the healing process and cause scar discolouration. Once your incisions have healed, you can go into direct sunlight (after applying sunscreen). It is best to choose sunscreens with mineral-based sun blockers rather than a chemical base. You should also invest in a sun hat and sunglasses. Avoiding the sun until you’re fully healed results in softer, flatter scars that will fade quickly.

Avoid Excessive Activity

When you arrive home after your double eyelid surgery, avoid strenuous moving and lifting that can put stress on the incisions, causing them to pull apart and delay your healing process. You should also avoid excessive sweating from moderate to high intensity workouts, or from sitting outside on a hot day, as the sweat can disrupt the healing process of your scars.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

You should avoid smoking and drinking for as long as possible before and after your blepharoplasty procedure if you want to avoid dehydrating your skin and increasing your risk of scarring or an incomplete healing process. Stay hydrated with water and avoid any activity or vice that can restrict blood flow, like smoking cigarettes. The suggested timeline is to avoid drinking and smoking for 2 weeks before and after your surgery.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that involves regular exercise is important for healing as excessive fat under the skin requires more incisions, meaning more healing time. However, the more nutrition you give your body, the easier it will be to heal – no matter how many incisions you have.

Avoid Touching Your Eyes

One of the easiest and most effective ways to promote quick healing after your blepharoplasty is to avoid rubbing or touching your eyes – especially in the areas where the incisions are. Constantly rubbing your eyes and eyelids can cause incisions to open due to pressure being applied, along with the risk of introducing bacteria into your incisions which can lead to infection. Before your surgery, practice going as long as you can without touching your eyes.

Use a Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

A cosmetic surgeon’s skill is key to achieving hidden scars that heal quickly and provide beautiful results. When you are selecting your surgeon, make sure they are board-certified, highly skilled, and heavily trained in cosmetic surgery, just like Dr. Bell.

Dr. Bell has dedicated his 25 years of practice to cosmetic plastic surgery of the face and body. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care. He is known for his skill and personalized, respectful approach to patients – with blepharoplasty procedures and many other cosmetic surgery options. When you’re in his hands, you know you will have a quick healing process that results in eyes that make you look years younger.

When Will my Incisions Heal?

Thanks to modern medicine and Dr. Bell’s expert precision, your blepharoplasty will result in minimal scarring that is easily hidden. However, many patients wonder what the recovery timeline for blepharoplasty is so they can be aware of when their incisions will heal and they can return to exercising, going outside, and touching their eyes as they normally do.

When your incisions heal depends entirely on the extent of your surgery, the severity of your concerns, and the amount of incisions that were made. You can expect some swelling and bruising immediately following your double eyelid surgery, but these symptoms will resolve after two weeks.

However, the incisions themselves will take several weeks to heal, so it is critical to practice proper incision aftercare and follow all of Dr. Bell’s instructions. To speed up the healing process and reduce the appearance of your blepharoplasty scars, you should:

    • Keep the treatment area clean.
    • Avoid rubbing, scratching, or submerging eyes.
    • Sleep with your head elevated to promote blood flow.
    • Take prescribed medications and apply prescribed ointments.
    • Avoid wearing contacts, eye makeup, and glasses until cleared by Dr. Bell.
    • Avoid physical activity, excessive sweating, and straining your body.
    • Avoid smoking and drinking for the first two weeks.
    • Stay out of direct sunlight.
    • Get plenty of rest.


When you follow these tips and steps, you will heal quickly and be able to show off your rejuvenated, bright eyes before you know it!

Posted by:

Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Dr. Thomas Bell has been one of Canada’s most renowned cosmetic surgeons for 25 years. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care.

More on Dr. Bell

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