10 Common Myths About Nose Jobs That are Just Simply Wrong

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January 12th, 2021
posted by:
Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

We spend a lot of time dispelling myths that our clients may have heard.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a facelift, breast implants, or liposuction— there is a tonne of misinformation floating around out there for every type of plastic surgery procedure. The odds are always good that our client has heard something that isn’t quite accurate. And sometimes, it’s patently false.

You always need to make sure that you’re getting your information from reliable sources. Social media can be a notorious spreader of misinformation. For example, only about 18% of the plastic surgery information on Instagram comes from board-certified surgeons.

Is the other 82% false or inaccurate? Not necessarily. But you will definitely want to fact check anything you see before you let it talk you out of plastic surgery.

Today we are going to explore some of the most popular myths that we’ve heard about nose jobs, so we can set the record straight. We feel it’s important for you to have all of the right information to make an informed decision.

We have been practicing plastic surgery in Toronto for over 20 years and we’ve heard it all. Here are some of the most popular myths we’ve heard, and the truths behind them.

1. You Can Choose Any Nose You Want

Maybe someday technology will advance to the point where you can walk into a plastic surgeon’s office with a picture of Emily Watson and say, “Here. This is the nose I want.” But that’s not the world we live in today. If that technology/technique does become available, we promise that we will be the first ones to offer it.

Your plastic surgeon can do a lot of incredible things. But they can’t give you any nose. They need to work with your existing features and bone structure.

An expert plastic surgeon should be able to listen to what you don’t like about your nose and your goals for the surgery. They should then be able to come up with a customized plan to show you exactly what is possible.

If you choose our Toronto rhinoplasty clinic, we can take things a step further. Dr. Bell can show you a computer-generated image so you can actually see the range of improvements that are likely to occur as a result of the procedure. You get to try before you buy, so to speak.

While you can’t have any nose that you want, an expert surgeon can give you a nose that you will love.

2. They are Just For Women

It’s certainly true that women get more nose jobs. In 2019, there were 207,284 nose surgeries in North America, and women accounted for 157,756 (76%). However, the nose job was the #1 most popular surgery among men that year.

It will actually be very interesting to see the 2020 numbers when they are released. Both men and women have been getting a large number of plastic surgeries in 2020. The COVID-19 lockdown has created a unique opportunity for people to get nose jobs because of such factors as:

If you’re a man who is interested in male rhinoplasty, TPS has you covered.

It will be interesting to see the 2020 numbers. It wouldn’t be surprising to see more men getting plastic surgery, and the statistical gap narrowing even more.

Our clinic specializes in male rhinoplasty and we have helped countless men get the look they have always wanted.

In terms of techniques or technology, there are no significant differences between a male nose job and a female nose job. However, the desired outcomes are usually slightly different.

The proportions of what is considered a classically handsome nose are unique. The nasal length, width, slope, and tip shape would be different than what most women would ask for with their surgery.

Our skilled and experienced Dr. Bell understands the subtle nuances between the surgeries and can help you find the perfect nose to complement the rest of your face. He consistently produces amazing results, which has led to some striking rhinoplasty before and after pictures that we can show you.

He can also show you different looks and options through video computer imaging.

3. They Are Just For Celebrities

Of course, wealthy actors are the people most famous for getting nose jobs. We hear about Jennifer Anniston getting one, or Jillian Michaels getting one, and we assume that these procedures are only for the rich and famous.

These are clearly the most visible people getting nose jobs, but they are far from the only ones. A rhinoplasty procedure is surprisingly affordable and attainable for people from all walks of life.

How much is rhinoplasty? That all depends on what type you’re getting and how much work needs to be done. Pricing for our so-called tip-plasty surgery starts at $4,999. However, if you’re looking to do things like reduce the bridge of your nose or improve your breathing, that surgery would start at $8,999. Or, if you’re unhappy with the nose job from another surgeon, the prices for a revision rhinoplasty start at $12,999. More on that in the next section.

4. If You Don’t Like it, You’re Stuck With it

We truly stand by our track record of exceptionally happy customers that love their nose jobs. Dr. Bell has been performing rhinoplasty procedures for over 20 years and has only had to perform “touch-ups” for a mere 2-3% of his patients.

However, if you’re unhappy with the results of a nose job that was performed elsewhere, you’re not stuck with it forever. We can perform a revision rhinoplasty to give you the look that you were hoping to get from the very start.

Patients might be unhappy with a nose job for any number of reasons. Maybe they got it several years ago and the surgeon was using techniques that would be considered out-dated today. Or maybe there wasn’t great communication with the surgeon about the exact look they were looking for.

This is why we feel that digital imaging previews are so crucial. Our surgeons have the technology to show you exactly what your procedure will look like. They also have the tools, techniques, and expertise to give it to you.

There are no steadfast criteria for an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty revision. But ideally, you will want to have had your initial procedure at least 2 years ago to ensure that you’re fully healed and the results from the initial procedure are fully apparent.

5. Any Plastic Surgeon Can Do A Nose Job

There is simply far too much at stake to trust a nose job to just any plastic surgeon. Your nose anchors the look and symmetry of your entire face. You want to be ecstatically happy with your procedure, not simply OK with it.

This is also one of the most complex plastic surgeries, with the slimmest margins for error. Experience counts! Never settle.

We are proud to offer two of Canada’s leading rhinoplasty surgeons on our team. Dr. Bell is trained in Plastic Surgery and has performed hundreds of rhinoplasty procedures over his career. During that time, he has established himself as one of the leading experts in performing rhinoplasty surgeries and other confidence-boosting treatments for both cosmetic and medical purposes.

Dr. Bell has dedicated his 35 years of practice to cosmetic plastic surgery of the face and body; he prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care. Known not only for his masterful skill but also for his personalized and respectful approach to patients.

6. They’re Just For Aesthetic Changes

It’s not always about the look.

We have helped countless people improve the quality of their lives because the shape or structure of their nose was causing breathing problems.

This can cause:

  • Low energy
  • Sleep problems and sleep apnea
  • Decreased athletic performance

We have also helped people struggling with chronic allergies, or sports injuries, by opening up the airways to help them breathe easier again.

7. It’s a Drastic Surgery

We have certainly helped a lot of people make a drastic improvement in how they feel about their face, but this doesn’t need to be a drastic surgery.

In fact, we offer a non-surgical solution that we call an injection rhinoplasty, or 5-minute nose job. We can help you change your nasofacial shape with an injection of dermal soft tissue filler, such as:

  • Juvederm
  • Restylane
  • Revanesse
  • Teosyal

These fillers are injected under your nasal skin to help you change the appearance of:

  • A bulbous tip
  • Asymmetric, slanted, or crooked noses
  • Unwanted bridge bumps or bridge scoops

This procedure may also be able to help you with breathing obstructions and help you clear up your airways.

Dr. Bell is famous for his proficiency with this procedure, and you may have seen him on television shows demonstrating his techniques.

8. They’re Painful

Misconceptions about the amount of pain associated with a rhinoplasty procedure are probably the #1 reason that people talk themselves out of getting the nose job they want—and that’s a legitimate shame.

Let’s start with the actual procedure. Your surgeon will give you general and local anesthesia to make sure that your surgery is completely painless. After your procedure, you will experience some very natural swelling and some mild discomfort. However, it is easily managed with an oral pain medication that your surgeon will prescribe to you on the day of your surgery.

From there, your surgeon will provide you with a complete list of simple post-op steps that you will need to follow. We will also follow up with you after your procedure to see how you are healing, feeling, and progressing.

9. They’re Temporary

A traditional rhinoplasty surgery changes the naso-craniofacial structure in your nose. Once it has healed properly, it is permanent and will maintain its look for the rest of your life.

The only reason it would change over time is if you sustained an injury to the face that broke it, just like any other nose.

10. They Look Fake and They are Easy to Spot

A skilled and experienced surgeon will make sure that this is never the case. They will work with you and show you exactly how to get a nose that fits perfectly with the natural contours of your face and complements your other features perfectly.

Of course, your family and friends will probably know that you had a nose job because, a) They have known your face for years, and b) You almost certainly would have told them you’re getting a nose job.

However, the mark of a great nose job is the more casual acquaintances around you having no idea that you had surgery. You know you picked the right surgeon when people tell you that you look great, but they can’t quite seem to put their finger on what has changed about your appearance.

Let’s Set the Record Straight

These are only a few of the most common myths and misconceptions about nose jobs. You may have heard a few others.

We would love to address any questions or concerns that you have in a one-on-one setting. During these complicated times of COVID-19 regulations, we’re conducting all of our pre-op and post-op meetings via video conferencing. Of course, we miss meeting people in person, but these calls still give us an excellent chance to get to know you and your goals, while answering any of your questions.

Getting the nose you’ve always wanted can be even easier than you think! And it all starts with reaching out to us.

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Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Dr. Thomas Bell has been one of Canada’s most renowned cosmetic surgeons for 25 years. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care.

More on Dr. Bell

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