Questions About Breast Augmentations That You May Be Too Shy to Ask

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November 27th, 2020
posted by:
Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

We have performed over 3000 breast augmentations over 25 years. That’s a lot of conversations about breasts. Trust us when we say that questions about breast implants cannot shock or surprise us anymore.

However, we understand that this is likely your first foray into this world. Not everyone does breast augmentation procedures in Toronto for a living and talks about these things all day long. But we do. So, don’t worry — we’ve heard it all.

We always ensure that you get a chance to have your questions answered in face-to-face meetings. However, if you want to do a bit of research beforehand, here are some of the most popular questions that women are often too shy to ask.

Will I Lose Feeling in My Nipple?

This is a very common question and a big concern for a lot of women.

Immediately following your surgery, you will most likely lose some sensation in the nipple area. However, things will return to normal after a few months. It is worth noting that a small percentage of women do experience permanent alteration to the feeling in their nipples following their breast augmentation surgery.

It is also possible for your nipples to actually gain sensitivity in the weeks following your procedure. Speak to your surgeon about all of the possibilities and what your entire experience could look and feel like.

What are the Different Types of Breast Implants? Which is Right For Me?

There are 2 kinds of breast implants used for breast augmentation:

  • Saltwater or saline implants
  • Cohesive, silicone gel breast implant devices

Right now, the most common implant is the cohesive “gummy bear” silicone gel implant. But, saline was more popular in the 1990s because there were safety concerns with the liquid silicone implants at the time.

Silicone implants have come a long way since then. Advancements in technology have brought us to the semi-solid, soft, cohesive gel implant. They feel natural, they do not leak, and they’re warrantied for life.

Which is right for you? That’s a question that you should discuss in great detail with your surgeon. Each type offers pros and cons:

Cohesive gel breast implants:

  • Are more natural and breast-like, in feel and texture
  • Very rarely have ripples or visible irregularities
  • Do not leak and come with a lifetime warranty

Saline breast implants:

  • Have been around for 30 or 40 years, so they have more of a proven history
  • Are often more affordable
  • May lack viscosity in certain positions
  • Have a higher risk of rupturing and leaking (approximately 2% per breast, per year)
  • Will likely have to be replaced every 10 years

Be sure to discuss your wants, needs, and goals with your surgeon to make the best possible choice.

Is There an Alternative to Silicone and Saline Breast Implants?

Yes! We take pride in offering you the widest range of options. Our customers have seen fantastic results from fat transfer augmentation procedures. This is a great alternative for those looking to avoid implants.

This is another way to get a more natural look, while still adding size and shape. It involves enhancing the shape, volume, and position of the breasts by transplanting unwanted fat from other areas of the body. This can significantly improve body contour and shape.

The best candidate for this procedure is any woman who is interested in boosting the volume and proportion of her breasts, while removing unwanted fat collections elsewhere on her body. However, this is not a suitable option for those who are pregnant or excessively overweight. It’s also not recommended for patients with diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension.

The procedure itself takes about 90 minutes to perform, and most patients can expect a recovery time of about 2-7 days, with a significant reduction in discomfort after 48 hours.

Most patients can see a ½ to ¾ cup size improvement, with a natural shape and contour on the body.

How Do I Avoid Them Looking “Fake?”

Yes, you want breast augmentation, but you definitely don’t want “fake boobs.” You want a natural-looking enhancement. This is the top priority for most women.

There are a number of ways to avoid fake-looking boobs, but most of them revolve around working with the right surgeon. You want to choose an experienced and respected professional who will work very closely with you to choose the perfect:

Shape: More natural-looking shapes include a sort of teardrop or pear shape to fit the existing contours of your body.

Size: There is no magic one-size-fits-all solution. Your surgeon should be able to show you simulations of exactly how each shape and size will look on your existing body shape and gait. Together, you will be able to find the most ideal, yet natural-looking, option for you.

In most cases, a boob job will look fake because the patient got an unrealistic size or unnatural shape. The most famous case of making both of these mistakes is probably Victoria Beckham. She has since had her implants removed and openly talks about how she made the wrong choice. She even jokingly calls her implants “torpedo bazookas.”

Position: This is another big factor. Where exactly will your implants be positioned? How much space will be left between them? These are decisions that you can’t take lightly and an experienced surgeon should guide you through them.

Type: Generally speaking, when done properly, silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel than saline breast implants.

Our clinic’s Vectra 3D technology allows you to see exactly how your surgery will complement your body. This lets you see your figure in 3 dimensions, with different sizes and shapes of implants, in different pockets.

Making the wrong decision in any of these areas could lead to implants that appear less-than-natural.

Are Breast Implants Expensive?

Breast augmentation is not just for Hollywood stars and supermodels! This procedure can be surprisingly affordable.

Breast augmentation can start at $7,999, but there are a lot of factors involved. Your price will be influenced by:

  • Whether or not existing implants need to be removed
  • Whether or not the breast pocket must be corrected
  • The type (material) of breast implant you choose

For example, cohesive gel breast implants are the most expensive. However, when looking at costs, you need to factor in that those implants are warrantied for life.

If you were to go with a fat transfer augmentation procedure, your price would start at about $9,999.

As we stated earlier, there are too many factors involved to simply give you a ballpark price. However, it’s important to know that we offer breast augmentation financing options to make things even more affordable and attainable.

How Soon Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

Many of the women that we meet with are eager to resume their workout schedule following their surgery. That’s certainly understandable. However, it is important that you don’t rush back into the gym after breast augmentation.

Allowing for the proper recovery time is crucial. You want to give your body a chance to heal and adapt properly. You will want to tell your surgeon everything about your fitness lifestyle prior to your surgery. For example, are you an avid swimmer? Do you play contact sports? Do you lift heavy weights?

We realize that breast augmentation can finally give you the body that you have always dreamed of, and you may be excited to maintain that body. But it’s best to try to bottle that enthusiasm for now and give your body the chance to properly heal. Otherwise, you could be setting yourself up for problems in the future.

Can I Have My Implants Removed?

The overwhelming majority of women who undergo augmentation are exceptionally happy with the results and breast implant problems are incredibly rare. In fact, the number of breast implant removals dropped by 17% between the years 2018 and 2019.

However, there are some cases where women want their implants removed because of:

  • Hardening around the implants (capsular contracture)
  • Wanting to remove or replace older textured implants
  • Other personal reasons

In these cases, the patient will undergo a breast implant removal procedure, which removes the implants and any scar tissue that has formed. After that, new implants can be added and fat grafting can be performed to add natural volume. We have other resources with information on implant removal if you would like to learn more.

Will I Be Left With Ugly Scars?

Any surgery is going to leave a scar of some sort. However, ensuring that this scar is subtle requires experience and expertise using today’s most advanced techniques. You want to ensure that you work with a surgeon that takes pride in their ability to enhance your body’s contours, while ensuring that the scar is as discreet as possible.

Our own Dr. Thomas Bell is an expert at placing the breast implant scar in the least visible location, while limiting its length with high tech strategies.

For example, an under-the-breast incision can be placed high up under the breast. This creates a new fold, which is attached stably to the underlying tissue. This “new crease” placement is nearly impossible to see without lifting the breast. Meanwhile, the underlying tissue acts like a built-in underwire support band, which minimizes drooping over time.

Also, utilizing a cutting-edge insertion device called the Keller funnel can shorten the length of your incision. This soft and silicone-lined sterile insertion funnel diminishes the length of the scar, while it also reduces insertion trauma.

How Common are Breast Implants? Do a Lot of Women Get Them?

Roughly 300,000 women will get breast implants in North America every year and it is consistently the most popular plastic surgery procedure.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), these were the top 5 plastic surgery procedures in 2019:

  • Breast Augmentation: 299,715 procedures
  • Liposuction: 265,209 procedures
  • Eyelid surgery: 211,005 procedures
  • Nose Reshaping: 207,284 procedures
  • Facelift: 123,685 procedures

These surgeries (plus the tummy tuck) typically appear in different combinations in the top 5 every year. But breast augmentation dependably ranks in the top spot.

We May Even See an Increase in 2020

We wouldn’t be surprised to see even higher numbers for 2020 when the data from the ASPS comes in. The COVID-19 crisis has actually led to a new wave of people looking into plastic surgery. This is being attributed to a number of factors.

First of all, a lot of people are now “grounded.” They’ve had to cancel big plans to go overseas for vacations and weddings. This leaves them with a bit of extra money. In some cases, that money is going towards home improvement and renovations. In other cases, it’s going towards self-improvement and plastic surgery.

At the same time, a lot of people are taking this time to really work on themselves. Yes, a lot of us are gaining weight and putting on the “Quarantine 15.” But some very motivated people have used the lockdown as an opportunity to crack down on their diet and health. After losing weight through diet and exercise, they’re getting breast augmentation to help complete the dream body they have always wanted.

Why Should I Choose Toronto Plastic Surgeons?

This is an absolutely huge decision. The surgeon you choose will have a direct impact on the quality of the work, which will influence how you look and feel every day following your surgery. Proven experience and expertise are the most important things to look for in a plastic surgeon. You deserve nothing less!

Dr. Bell has performed thousands of successful cosmetic breast procedures over his 35-year career. As a well-known thought-leader and innovator in plastic surgery, he has been interviewed by the biggest television networks and newspapers in Canada. He also has a long list of very satisfied clients, as well as striking before-and-after pictures and case studies that can show you what’s possible.

Are you ready to find out what we can do for you? Reach out today!

Posted by:

Dr. Thomas Bell, MD

Dr. Thomas Bell has been one of Canada’s most renowned cosmetic surgeons for 25 years. He prides his excellence on the harmonious balance of vision, aesthetic appearance, and patient care.

More on Dr. Bell

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